Monday, December 29, 2014

Eivets Trolling on Omegle

So, i was so bored and i try to figure out how peoples can reach my name, or what's Eivets is. So, i did some trolling a week ago on Omegle, and this was fuckin hilarious. You should see what i did. If you follow my twitter, you maybe already saw it..

1. Story telling..

2. Dubstep lyrics dare

3. Someone who can't speak English
(I'm Indonesian an i understand what he was talking, but i he just didn't has a good humor sense)

3. Quick lecture
If you don't know what AEC is, its an acronym from Asean Economic Community. So ASEAN country will be a free trading area. And our human resources have to be strong enough to survive in our own country. If we don't want foreigners (ASEAN country's people) seize our jobs.

4. The awesome artsy girl
(Oh, i miss her jokes)

5. So this is a conversation that only Jakartans will know
Bekasi is a city near Jakarta, that big enough but quite far from Jakarta and it doesn't appear on our map. So, the Jakartans bullied "Bekasi" by pretend that the city is outside the earth...

6. Enough

Soooo, if you guys often to do Omegle, please just brace yourself if you run into me. We'll have some good time :)

Thursday, December 11, 2014