Monday, December 29, 2014

Eivets Trolling on Omegle

So, i was so bored and i try to figure out how peoples can reach my name, or what's Eivets is. So, i did some trolling a week ago on Omegle, and this was fuckin hilarious. You should see what i did. If you follow my twitter, you maybe already saw it..

1. Story telling..

2. Dubstep lyrics dare

3. Someone who can't speak English
(I'm Indonesian an i understand what he was talking, but i he just didn't has a good humor sense)

3. Quick lecture
If you don't know what AEC is, its an acronym from Asean Economic Community. So ASEAN country will be a free trading area. And our human resources have to be strong enough to survive in our own country. If we don't want foreigners (ASEAN country's people) seize our jobs.

4. The awesome artsy girl
(Oh, i miss her jokes)

5. So this is a conversation that only Jakartans will know
Bekasi is a city near Jakarta, that big enough but quite far from Jakarta and it doesn't appear on our map. So, the Jakartans bullied "Bekasi" by pretend that the city is outside the earth...

6. Enough

Soooo, if you guys often to do Omegle, please just brace yourself if you run into me. We'll have some good time :)

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Cara Membeli Album/EP/Single Artist BC di iTunes Dengan Uang Cash

Ini adalah solusi buat lo yang mau beli album gue atau temen-temen gue (artist BC) di iTunes, tapi gapunya kartu kredit...

Pertama baca ini dulu..

Mau beli musik nya artis artis BC (Single, EP and Albums) di iTunes, tapi tidak punya kartu kredit, atau tidak mau melewati prosedur yang sulit, kita kasih kamu cara yang paling gampang.
Yang kamu butuhkan adalah:
  1. iTunes, & Akun iTunes (Buat akun baru bila kamu belum punya)
  2. HP kamu (Akun LINE atau akun BBM)
  1. Hubungi contact person kami (Add akun LINE atau BBM untuk respon yang cepat)
  2. Kirim pesan dengan format: [NAMA LAGU/ ALBUM<space>ID ITUNES KAMU<space>NOMOR HANDPHONE KAMU]
  3. Mereka akan memberi tahu kamu jumlah harga, dan juga rekening bank untuk kamu membayar
  4. Jangan lupa mengisi NOMOR REFERENSI dengan NOMOR HANDPHONEMU (lakukan ini ketika menransfer lewat atm atau metode elektronik banking lainnya)
  5. Tunggu pesan bahwa pembayaran kamu telah berhasil
  6. Ketika kamu sudah mendapat pesan “lagu/ album anda sudah berhasil di kirim ke akun iTunes anda” dari contact person kami, buka inbox email anda, buks email dari iTunes yang menyebutkan kamu dapat lagu
  7. Klik gift box, iTunes kamu akan terbuka secara otomatis
  8. Ikuti prosedurnya, cepat dan mudah
  9. TaaDaa, lagunya jadi milik anda. Have a dance, we love you all
NB: Khusus regional Indonesia
Contact Person
  • Edwin: 081282411809, Edwinpidht (LINE)
  • Jordy: 082113313470, stvjrdn_ (LINE), 2BB8E723 (BBM)
Kalo masih gak ngerti gue bikin tutorial bergambar biar lo ngerti, ini ilustrasinya:

Pertama, hubungin salah satu CP diatas, dan ikutin instruksinya

Kalo udah dikirim tracknya, bakal dapet konfirmasi

Cek email lo, lo bakal dapet email kaya gini
 Dan isinya kaya gini, klik Redeem Now

Abis itu iTunes lo bakal kebuka sendiri, ikutin aja instruksi selanjutnya.. Masa mau disuapin terus

Cara Membuat Account iTunes Tanpa Credit Card

Ternyata masih banyak yang belum ngerti cara bikin account iTunes, oke gue bikin tutorialnya. 

Pertama buka iTunes, terus masuk ke iTunes Store

Cari aplikasi yang free, disini gue contohin Path

Klik "Free"nya

Kebuka kotak dialog kaya gini, Create Apple ID


Pura-pura lo udah baca, klik check box, dan Agree

Isi identitas lo, dan yang di orangein sama gue itu opsional, continue kalo udah diisi

Pilih yang none, isi identitas lo lagi, Create Apple ID

Setelah itu lo bakal dikirimin email verifikasi, ikutin aja instruksi yang ada di email. Terus lo udah bisa login...

Monday, November 3, 2014

Eivets "Cure" Album Has Released Today! - Special Thanks From Stevie Jordan aka Eivets

With the release of this album, i want to give a special thanks to:

Allah SWT, I'll never be like this, if not because of Him.
My Family, Mom, Dad, Zahira, Rafi, Kevin, and all my cousins that supported me

A lot of thanks for Sabeth Uttara (SBTH) for being my mentor, and all of his advices, there will be no Eivets, and also this album. You are the MVP dude.
Also all my musician friends that helped me to create this album, Krista (Crystagella), Zakiy (G-Neral), Nandito (Elnath), Timur (P.T.D), Junia (Junia Fauzi), Naufal & Joshua (Double Clash)
My GF Salma that supported me, and gave advices whenever i'm on my high and low
My closest friends Ivandrean, Faam, Sena, Edwin, Abimanyu, Irfan, Indah, Vicky, Prisal, Dhiya, Lia, Dinar, Inek. Also Benny, Astrid, Karrisa, Bibir, Rory who knew this project from the first i built.

And all people that ever talked with me about the "Cure", even you care or not, i also appreciate you were listening...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Eivets Bagi-Bagi Album Cure!! - Eivets "Cure" Album Giveaway!!

Gue bakal nulis ini pake dua bahasa ya, Indonesia dan Inggris - I'll write this article in Indonesian and English

Gue bakal bagi-bagi 2 album Cure gue untuk orang yang beruntung! Dan ada persyaratannya...
I'll giveaway 2 Cure album for someone lucky! but there'll be some terms to follow...

Pertama lo harus follow Facebook fanpage gue
First you have to follow my Facebook fanpage
Terus lo harus follow Soundcloud gue
Then, you have to follow my Soundcloud
Terus, follow Instagram gue!
Then, follow my Instagram!
Dan terakhir lo harus kirim email berisikan nama lengkap lo, account iTunes, account instagram, soundcloud, & facebook yang lo pake buat follow gue
And last, you have to send me your email, your iTunes account, and your instagram, soundcloud, & facebook account that you used to follow me

Ini formatnya - This is the email format

dan kirim ke - and send it to

Periode bagi-bagi ini akan diadakan dari tanggal 3 November 2014 - 30 November 2014
 This giveaway event will be held start from November 3rd, 2014 - November 30th, 2014


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Let's Peek Eivets on Vitamin C 2 Days Ago

Posted on Instagram, I will post the "Full Version" maybe next time

A video posted by Stevie Jordan (@eivets_id) on

A video posted by Stevie Jordan (@eivets_id) on

A video posted by Stevie Jordan (@eivets_id) on

A video posted by Stevie Jordan (@eivets_id) on

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Eivets gonna rock the Vitamin C @ Paramadina University!

So, it's only 3 more days till i rock the Paramadina University, SO PARTICIPATE!
The event gonna start tomorrow 20 October till 22 October, and the music performances gonna be on 22 October.

There won't just me, there'll be SBTH, Seaside, Ramayana Soul, DJ Lecet, Balikin Warung Kotak, and also Sentimental Moods.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Something "Freaky" is Coming...

So, i begin to spread some mysterious banner on my Path and Instagram ( ^3^)

What is it? What does it even mean? Well do you know?

Even BC's webmaster curious about it..

Well, first thing. I always do epic things...

If you wanna know more about it just follow me on:

or email me on

I'd love to reply every question you send and post the result to this blog...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Eivets Official Facebook Page

Hi, you often see me posted something on blog, and now, how about Facebook!?

You could access my daily activity on that page, or you can also ask me how to produce music, or some shit you want to tell about, is up to you! i will reply your messages asap!

Facebook fan page 1? :(((

Or maybe i'll give some free goodies too, so don't forget to like it, and support! :)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Cara MemBELI Lagu Secara Legal di iTunes - How to Buy Music Legally for iTunes

First, i'm sorry to write this article with Indonesian language, because i feel so pathetic Indonesian people still downloading bad quality shit music illegaly.

Pertama-tama STOP PEMBAJAKAN terutama soal musik. Beli lah lagu secara legal di toko-toko musik digital yang sudah banyak di Internet. kenapa? apa aja yang lo dapet?
1. Harga murah:
Siapa bilang beli album asli mahal, contoh Porter Robinson "World" dibanderol cuma 65.000. Beli ketengan cuma 7.000

2. Kualitas SUPER:
Kualitas pasti enak di kuping, gak mendem gak apa. Yang pasti HIGH QUALITY. Beda kalo mau download atau nyolong di soundcloud pake IDM

3. Gampang belinya:
Siapa bilang belinya ribet pake kartu kredit. Udah ada iTunes Gift Card. Beli aja di authorized Apple Store di Kaskus juga ada. Sistemnya kaya lo beli pulsa buat hp. Ada yang nominal 100 ribu, ada juga yang 150 ribu.

"Ahh gak ngerti cara belinya...." Nih gue kasih tau biar ngerti!

Tukarkan kode di iTunes untuk Mac atau PC

  1. Instal iTunes versi terbaru.
  2. Buka iTunes dan kunjungi iTunes Store.
  3. Klik Masuk dan masukkan ID Apple.
    iTunes Store - Mac atau PC
  4. Klik Tukarkan di bagian Tautan Cepat.
    Tautan Tukarkan - Mac/PC
  5. Masukkan hadiah atau kode konten dan tekan Return (Kembali). Jika Anda memiliki Kartu Hadiah iTunes, gunakan kode 16 digit di belakang kartu yang dimulai dengan X. Di beberapa negara, Anda dapatmenukarkan kartu hadiah menggunakan kamera internal.
    Entri Manual - Mac/PC
  6. Setelah Anda menukarkan kode kartu hadiah, saldo akun iTunes akan diperbarui. Anda mungkin perlu keluar dan masuk kembali agar saldo Anda muncul.
    Pembaruan Saldo - Mac/PC
    Jika Anda sudah menukarkan kode konten, kontennya akan mulai diunduh.
    Penukaran Kode Konten Berhasil - Mac/PC
Gampang kan? Awas kalo bilang susah lagi!!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014

BCA Electro Run 2014 - Event Review

So, in 21 June 2014, Ismaya Live & Messa Race presented BCA Electro Run 2014 in Jakarta. Sponsored by BCA Bank. This is the teaser:

And, i went there with my girlfriend. My girlfriend likes to jog, and i want to joy the edm party. So, i tought that this event will be perfect to us to attended. The ticket price was 250.000 IDR (which means 21.3 USD), and we got the race pack contained soft drink, attendants bracelet (instead of ticket), light bracelet, two mini glow sticks, some voucher coupons, and the t-shirt. The t-shirt is pretty cool, with "BCA Electro Run" logo in front, and "Ready, Set, Glow" in rear side, glow printed.

Ok, now let's review the event, we enter the electro land, where the main stage at.  The main stage wasn't so big and not really impressive, with 3 square screen for video mapping and 
visualization, the lightings was quite good, sound was good, smokeblower.

The Crowds
Techno Area by Lenovo
Me & My Girlfriend Noseless Creature
Line ups: The artist that performed there are indonesia dj's like DJ Yasmin, Alexa (pop band), Dipha Barus, Cheryl, Midnight Quickie. And from my sight, the best performance was by Dipha Barus. Cheryl? Sorry, too much shouting. Midnight Quickie, well not bad, but i don't like their tracks.

Overall Review: Well, it was a good - and healthy - event. But i never miss the atmosphere of this event afterward. And the lineups not so impresive also. But for 250.000 IDR, it was worth it..

So, i give this event:  (3/5 Hands Up)